Privacy Policy

This page contains the details as to how the personal data of visitors to this website ( is processed.  Such processing is done in compliance with the criteria set out by the European Regulation on the Processing of Personal Data (EU Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR), Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/03, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 101/18, and all other provisions or authorisations from the Authority competent for such matters. The aforesaid legislation requires such processing be inspired by the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, safeguarding your privacy and rights. 

This privacy notice relates solely to this website and not to any other websites a user might visit by clicking on a link.


Visiting this site might result in the processing of data pertaining to identified or identifiable persons. The Data Controller is ISSA PULIRE Network S.r.l., in the person of its legal representative, with registered office at 32 Via Felice Casati, Milan (20124), tel.: 02-6744581, fax: 02-66712299, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The processing done in relation to the web services offered by this website is done at the aforementioned registered office and it is done by company employees and/or external parties duly appointed for specific maintenance and updating tasks. No data derived from the web service is communicated or disclosed.

The personal data provided by users who send requests for services or information is used solely to provide the required service or information, and it is only disclosed to duly appointed third parties when necessary to achieve the required purpose. 


Navigation Data

The computer systems and software procedures required for this website to work acquire, during normal operations, some personal data, the sending of which is implicit when using Internet communication protocols. 

Such information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but that, by its nature, could be used to identify users when processed and associated with data held by third parties.

Such data includes the IP addresses or computer domain names used by a user to connect to the website, the URI  (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses for the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the response file, the numerical code indicating the status of the data response from the server (successful, error and so on) and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer platform.

On this website, such data is only used to create anonymous statistics about the use of the website and to make sure the site is functioning correctly. Such data could, if a computer crime were to be committed harming the site, be used to determine the responsible party.  For such data and only for the purposes indicated, it is not necessary to request consent.

Data Provided Voluntarily by Users

The express, optional and voluntary sending of an email to the addresses indicated in this website or filling in the forms in specific sections with mandatory or optional fields shall result in the subsequent acquisition of such information and the sender's address, which are necessary to respond to the required request for services and/or information. For such data and only for the purposes indicated, it is not necessary to request consent.


The cookie policy is indicated in the specific cookie policy available on this website.


Excluding navigation data, a user is free to provide the personal data needed for user registration and for requesting services and/or information. Failure to provide such information will make it impossible to fulfil the request. When registering, the only data that is mandatory to provide is the data needed to provide the service. 


Personal data is processed by the data controller and duly appointed data processors to correctly achieve the indicated purposes. This is done using electronic means and paper copies, adopting security measures able to guarantee the confidentiality of private data and to ensure undue access by unauthorised persons. The data controller does not use automated means, including profiling, to achieve the purposes set out in this privacy notice. Data subjects should remember that, pursuant to Article 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, they have the right to not be subject to profiling or to subsequently withdraw consent granted previously. This can be done by exercising data protection rights as indicated below. 


The Data Controller processes personal data for the time needed to fulfil the purposes indicated above and, in all cases,  for no more than 2 years from when the data was acquired or from the cancellation of a registration. Where a user cancels a registration, the data will be completely erased or rendered anonymous such that, in all cases, it cannot be linked to a specific individual. 


Pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of GDPR, data subjects have the right to ask the data controller for access to their personal data, to have their data rectified or erased, to limit its processing, to oppose its processing or to require it be made available in an appropriate format (data portability).

Such a request can be made via email, fax or registered post with the following subject: "request by a data subject", indicating the data right being exercised (erasure, rectification, portability, "to be forgotten") and a valid email or certified email address for the response. 

The data controller or the party appointed by the data controller shall fulfil the request within 30 days of receiving it.  Should such a response prove to be unusually complex, the time required can be extended by a further 30 days, having informed the data subject of such an extension in advance.

Should a data subject so wish, he/she has the right to file a complaint with the relevant authorities, that is, the Italian Data Protection Authority or Garante, which has its registered office at 121 Palazzo Monte Citorio, Rome, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Update: 11 May 2021